2008년 12월 1일 월요일

Memories From Heaven-WMS-COG

Memories From Heaven
NAME Erika Cifre

When I was going to meet my heavenly Mother, I did not know what to expect; I just knew that it was a journey to heaven. Even though I knew this, I did not come to understand or feel it until I reached heaven. When I embraced my loving Mother that is when the true realization that I had reached heaven, entered me. I was living a dream for 10 days with my heavenly Mother, the type of dream you never want to wake up from, the type of dream you hope to fall back into the next time you fall asleep. The trip to Korea was amazing and I came to understand so many things through this trip.

I want to thank my heavenly Father and Mother for allowing me the opportunity to take this trip.I was out in the world before, not knowing that I had a heavenly Father and Mother, not knowing that I am a sinner and not knowing that I committed terrible sins against Them in heaven. Even though I did not know about Them, They were always looking after me, taking care of me. Now when I think back to certain situations, I realize that They have always been with me. I feel truly blessed that my Father and Mother brought me into Their beautiful light, because you do not realize the darkness that you are in until you see the light. Even though I do not deserve anything, They give me everything without hesitating. When I was in Korea, Mother said, “Ask Father for anything and He will give it to you.” The only thing Mother wants is to take care of us.

Before I went to Korea everyone spoke of Father and Mother’s sacrifice, even though I saw the videos, I did not understand it at all. I feel like I received more understanding of the pain and hardship Father went through to come and save us sinners and how Mother is suffering right now on this earth. We take so many things for granted and we sometimes think that this world is not so bad because we do not have the memories of heaven in our mind, but then I think of Mother and how She knows how heaven is but She is here suffering to save us. I thought I knew love but now I realize that I knew nothing. Father and Mother are love because They do everything and sacrifice everything for us. Father and Mother’s love is the kind of love you long to have inside of you. I want to resemble my heavenly Mother as much as I can. That is why I am striving to fill my heart with love for my brothers and sisters, as well as my lost brothers and sisters.

When I was in Korea, I studied a lot and it was so amazing; I could learn subjects and preach them right away. Father and Mother gave me the ability to do so many things; I realized that as long as I was relying on Them I could do all things. I received the opportunity to preach the subject, “Mother Is the Source of the Water of Life,” in front of Mother and it was the most amazing experience I had ever encountered. It is amazing how comfortable Mother makes you feel and even though there were so many of us, She sat down and listened to every single one of us. Even though you are right in front of God Almighty, you feel so much love that you feel so comfortable. When you see Mother, it is like the world stops, and you light up and smile and the only thing you want to do is run into Her arms and be with Her forever and ever.

When the ten days in heaven ended, I really did not want to leave because I did not want to leave Mother and heaven. It was as if I was leaving all over again, but Mother gave me the mission to go back to the New York Zion and find my lost brothers and sisters. Through this trip I realized how close we are to the end and that I need to endure till the end so that I can return to heaven and be with Father and Mother forever. I thank Father and Mother so much for opening up the way for me to go to Korea. I really needed to take this trip and now I truly know my mission and the only thing I want to do is please Father and Mother. I want to become a strong gospel worker, become one of the 144,000, and go back to the kingdom of heaven. The memories of this trip and Father and Mother’s love will dwell in my heart forever and ever.


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