2010년 2월 17일 수요일

God’s Atoning Grace Given to Those Confessing Their Sins - Ahnsahnghong

God’s Atoning Grace Given to Those Confessing Their Sins

ⓒ 2009 WATVOn September 29 (the 10th day of the seventh month in the sacred calendar), the Sacred Assembly of the Day of Atonement was held simultaneously in all the Churches of God throughout the world.

The Day of Atonement was the day when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the second tablets of the Ten Commandments; at the time of the Exodus, the Israelites made a golden calf and worshiped the idol, but God forgave their sin of idolatry and gave them the Ten Commandments again through Moses. In the Old Testament times, the high priest alone entered the Most Holy Place to make atonement once a year on the Day of Atonement. The high priest took two goats and cast lots for them-one lot for God and the other for the scapegoat, and he put on the head of the scapegoat all the people’s sins which had been transferred to the sanctuary, and sent the goat away into the desert, a solitary place. This ceremony of the feast represents that our sins, which have been borne by Christ, are transferred onto Satan the devil, the originator of sin (Lev 16:5-10; Lev 23:26-31; Jn 2:21).

Mother thanked Father over and over again for accepting the contrite prayers of His children and atoning for all the sins that they had committed in heaven and on earth as well. Then She prayed that Her children, who had turned away from sin and become spiritually cleansed, would boldly preach the truth to people around the world and accomplish the amazing work of the gospel by finding all the lost members of the heavenly family.

ⓒ 2009 WATVGeneral Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim emphasized that “confession” is essential to receive Christ’s atoning grace through His sacrifice, saying, “Confession means to turn away from sin and repent, which involves a commitment not to repeat the same sin. To those who truly confess their sins, God grants mercy and grace, and forgives their sins. He also reminded the members that those who repented of their sins would not grumble or complain but overflow with joy and thanksgiving every day, and urged them, “Let’s achieve complete repentance through sincere contrition, so that we can receive the blessings of the feast abundantly and give glory to God all the more” (Isa 53:1-5; Lk 18:10-14; Ps 32:5).

After the Assembly of the Day of Atone-ment, Mother encouraged Her children who had offered the prayers of repentance day and night for ten days, and blessed them, saying, “Love your brothers and sisters even more in God’s love. Cover up each other’s shortcomings and be considerate of one another, while working hard for the gospel. When you do so, you will receive Heavenly Father with joy and shine like the stars in the sky forever.”

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