2009년 2월 4일 수요일

Ahnshanghong and God the Mother

We believe in Ahnsahnghong
True Happiness Found in Mother
Where do I begin? There were so many scenarios in my head about what it would be like to see Mother. I had seen the videos and heard many fragrances. I felt as though I could imagine what it was like. This could not have been further from the truth, even though my whole life was preparing me for this moment, I had no idea how much my perspective would change in just ten short days. No words can describe the feeling you get just being in the same room as Mother. Even now as I try to write the only term that comes to my mind is inexpressible. I could only imagine that it was like how heaven must be no worries or cares, only trying to take in every moment and keep it somehow.
Before coming to the truth, I was so worldly, only having physical goals: Like how I could make more money, how I could have the best stuff, anything to make myself happy. I didn’t realize the whole time there was nothing I could do that could make me happy. Father and Mother called me out of darkness and into Their light in January of 2007; They brought me into true happiness. Even though my husband had preached to me for nearly 6 years, I continued to judge and persecute and hold onto my physical life. Father and Mother full of love were so patient with this rebellious child. For this patience and mercy I am eternally thankful to my Heavenly Parents. Visiting Korea, I knew there was so much I wanted to thank Mother for, also so much I wanted to apologize for.
In the days leading up to the trip, I began to think what it was that I really wanted to learn in Korea. I felt like I lacked understanding in so many areas though I had knowledge. So whereas I knew Father and Mother loved us, I wanted to understand how much. In my heart if this was accomplished, then I truly learned something worth sharing. My prayers were answered when some of the sacrifice our Parents made was revealed to us. I knew They left Their heavenly thrones and came to this earth, bound by the flesh. However, because this sacrifice is in a realm which we cannot conceive, They sacrificed more. They forsook all things?food, warmth and sleep, and the list went on an on. How could this be possible? Only because They are God and because of the love They have for Their children, it is possible. Learning how much They had given up for our eternal life was something that weighed so heavily on my heart. I felt so ashamed for taking my salvation for granted and not thinking about the path that Father and Mother walked in order that I may receive it.
As the days passed by, I began to see Mother differently. In the beginning I could only think about Her as God who knows all things, but then I started to see Her as my Mother who has loved me from creation despite my many imperfections. Mother never hesitated to tell us how much She loved us or grab our hand if the opportunity was available, anything to demonstrate to us Her love, even listening to nearly one hundred brothers and sisters practice preaching, always encouraging and smiling, making you feel so comfortable.
Before we left, Mother earnestly prayed for Her children to receive strength to endure in these last days. Though I came to Korea with curiosity, I left with certainty that Father and Mother are God Almighty and They love us so much and also that with Them all things are possible. Now returning back to the states, I want to hold onto all the blessing and love that Mother gave me and shine Her glory to the world. Though only a portion of this gospel work is left to be complete, I pray that all of my brothers and sisters receive the Holy Spirit and work diligently till we can be together with our Heavenly Father and Mother and live in unity with perfect happiness eternally.

댓글 1개:

♥Spirit-Bride♥ :

I also believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong & Mother Jerusalem.
It's graceful. God bless you