2009년 3월 10일 화요일

The Love of Mother Jerusalem

The Love of Mother Jerusalem

Who in this world doesn't know the love of a mother? Everyone knows because everyone has a mother. A mother's love is the reason we look forward to going home after a long day of school, or the reason we feel confident in life because we are always told we can accomplish anything. And when everyone else has turned their backs on us, our moms are always there with open arms ready to comfort us. How do they know just when we need them or how to make us feel protected? It is GOD'S will that's how!! Listen to this....
Romans 1:19,20......
" For since the creation of the world GOD'S invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature, have been cleary seen being understood by what has been made......."
Then who doesn't know about the six days of creation??? Yeah we all know GOD made the heavens and the earth in six days-but have you ever really looked at the sixth day??? Hello!!! Take a look! The six days of creation are found in the book of Gensis.
Genesis 1:26,27......
"Then GOD said LET US make man in OUR image.......27: So GOD created man in his own image.....MALE and FEMALE he created them."
Then from this one verse(shock) God clearly has two images!!! Ok, ok, so what's the point? I thought the same thing! But think about it. We have the male image of GOD that we call what? GOD the FATHER. Then automatically the female image of GOD should be called what?? GOD the MOTHER!! It's so simple and clear. Alright, so it sounds different, but even the apostles knew about her 2,000 years ago. Look at what apostle Paul wrote.....
Galations 4:26...
"But the JERUSALEM that is above is free and she is OUR MOTHER."
The bible actually testifies more about our heavenly Mother than anything else! Until I studied the bible I didn't even understand or remember the kingdom of heaven. The same for everyone right? Then how could we possibly remember the love of our Spiritual Mother? But even though we forgot about her, she never forgot about us, the children who were lost from heaven.
Isaiah 49:15.....
"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!"
God made the earth, the seas, the plants and all the animals. GOD does nothing without reason. If we didn't have a family system, how could we ever understand the love of a mother?Is it really so hard to believe all that GOD left in the bible for us?? And think about it ladies...how many times have we said "WHY CANT GOD BE A WOMAN?" Well, God is MALE AND FEMALE!!!
I don't put words together well or explain things with great finesse, but think about this one thing. If a mother loses her child what does she do? She gives her life to find them. She gives herself no rest until her baby is back in her arms safe and sound. That's only in this world. Imagine what the mother of our spirits..our HEAVENLY MOTHER JERUSALEM has been doing just to have us in her arms again. Our whole life she has watched over us and protected us and comforted us without us even knowing. She always gives unconditional love, after all GOD is love. The love of a MOTHER.

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