2010년 3월 10일 수요일

Because Elohim Are With Us - Ahnsahnghong

Because Elohim Are With Us
NATION | USANAME | Tiffany FordI'd like to begin my fragrance of Zion with deep thanks, praise, honor and glory to my Heavenly Father and Mother. I learned through this trip to Korea that all things are possible through Elohim God, and Their unfailing, unconditional perfect love. Father and Mother love us so much and are always taking care of us. I learned about Father and Mother's love back in May, 2008.

As soon as I learned about Father's second coming, I wanted to meet Him. Then I heard that he already went back up to heaven, for which I was pretty sad. Soon after learning about Father, I learned about Mother and heard that She is still with us! My mind and heart were already made up. I was going to see my Mother.

Months had went by and so did the summer trip to Korea. Even though I wasn't able to go to that trip, I still prayed earnestly that I could go in October. As the months went by and the October trip grew closer, it looked impossible for me to go because financially things were tough, but I had faith that if it is Father and Mother's will, I will be able to go. Somehow, after finding out through my bank and old car insurance company that I had canceled with five months ago was still taking money out of my account, I was able to get reimbursed in full from that company that was almost the exact amount of the plane ticket. I was going to Korea!

Leaving San Diego was actually bittersweet for me. Let's just say I wasn't necessarily excited about leaving my 9 month old son Cameron behind for the first time, but Father and Mother took care of him. A wonderful brother and sister from Zion looked after him. Thanks to them and, of course, Father and Mother, this was possible. Leaving Cameron made me realize how Mother must have felt when we had to leave Her and Father in heaven because of our sins, and how She must feel every time brothers and sisters leave after visiting Her in Korea.

The plane ride to Korea seemed like forever. To pass the time, all of us, brothers and sisters, preached to those who were around us. We were on fire! It was amazing! We were so excited to see Mother that if we personally had wings we'd fly to Her ourselves!

Arriving at the airport in Korea, we were greeted by many of our loving Korean brothers and sisters. They lavished us, brothers and sisters from all over the world, with hugs and gifts and with Mother's love. The joy that I felt made my eyes well up with tears. It felt like.. home!

Getting off the bus, I was suddenly greeted by our heavenly Mother. It was a shock! I wasn't expecting Her right when I came off the bus. I thought to myself, "This can't be real; this must be a dream!" Absolutely not a dream! I finally realized once Mother embraced me in Her arms for the first time in many, many years. Mother's life and Her teachings were present throughout the whole trip. Everyone could feel the amazing power of the love of Mother!

The Korean brothers and sisters set such a wonderful example for all of us. Even though at times we may have stumbled in our ways, yet with a smile and loving gestures they overlooked our faults!

I couldn't help but to also put Mother's teachings into practice by serving my brothers and sisters. I thought, 'If I take care of brothers and sister's plates at our Zion, then why not put the teachings in the presence of God Almighty?' Even God our Mother served us. At lunch Mother served us. She served us soup. Each individual was personally served by our God. Constantly She always humbles Herself in so many ways all the time. When She would speak, the whole world stood still.

I smiled so much, filled with joy, that my face started to get sore! Even with so much joy inside, there was a virus that tried to get the best of a couple of sisters and I, but of course, Mother's love and care always prevails. By the next day, after Mother's prayer for us, the sisters and I felt better. That morning, the appetite I had lost due to the virus came right back. The battle with the virus ended, yet the battle with my diabetes continued. I was going through insulin like water because of the time difference and the way my insulin's work. I never thought I'd run out. The last thing I wanted to do was create a whole bunch of worry. To make the long story short, I let a Missionary know. The next thing I knew I was going to see a doctor and within only 25min I had the insulin, which my life depends on; it was in my hands! Yes, the situation without that medicine could have been very scary. I could not believe how easy it was to get my insulin. I'm a foreigner, a military wife, miles and miles from San Diego, yet only God could have made this impossible situation possible. Even in San Diego, it takes two hours or more to get my prescription filled. Thanks to Father and Mother, I was able to have the insulin I depend so much on. Of course, my blood sugar level got better. I felt better. Without Father and Mother's love and sacrifice, we would not be here today. Through trials and tribulations, when we endure, we learn and become stronger, stronger in faith. We appreciate so much more. Arrogance disappears, and love, faith, compassion dwells within our hearts. Father and Mother give us wings to soar like eagles. We can do anything with our Elohim Gods guiding us!

Without worry about my diabetes, I could enjoy the rest of the short time left with Mother. She took a group of us, brothers and sisters, to show us the life Father lived. Compared to the way Father lived, we live in luxury. The simple things like electricity, pens and pencils, microwaves for a quick meal were nowhere to be found in the life Father and Mother lived. Mother sat with us and read us scriptures from the Bible in a small, small dark room lit only by a lamp with oil. Each one of us got a scripture read to us. Mother read, "Endure present sufferings!" It was a moment I'll carry in my memories always. The most rewarding moment with Mother was when we were all given the privilege to preach to Mother. Something amazing happened to me. With my own lack of confidence, I thought I wouldn't be able to preach in front of sisters, let alone preach in front of Heavenly Mother, who is God Almighty. We were the next in line to preach in front of Mother. Amongst our group it was decided that I would preach first since I had everything ready because I was practicing. To be honest, the whole visit I was so nervous to preach in front of Mother; but see that's just it! I myself wasn't preaching. I had said a little prayer before I began. In the presence of God, I began to preach "Heavenly Family and Earthly Family." All the anxiety and insecurity slipped away, and an ocean of warmth, assurance, confidence and an urgency to share this precious news washed over me. It was life; I had stepped aside myself and someone who was bold, strong and knowledgeable was preaching. It was amazing! It felt like I could do the impossible! Mother's smile, so comforting, so attentive, even though She probably heard this sermon thousands upon thousands of times! The expression on Mother's face you'd never know! I was so happy after preaching. The smile on Mother's face and Her love made my heart swell with utter happiness. I knew from then on I would never be satisfied with myself, or anything for that matter if I didn't preach. From then on I was so anxious to get back to San Diego to preach-to bring lost brothers and sisters into Mother's arms.

We went to the tower that overlooks all of Seoul, Korea. Amazing how within 60 years Seoul developed from a poor city into a rich one with towering buildings upon buildings, thriving with economical growth. How far Farther and Mother walked and climbed to save Their children-to get to where we are today! Thank You, Father and Mother! Only God can do something like that! They truly love us. I had learned so much through this trip. I never knew how I could love and care for some many people, whom I had only known for less than 10 days. When we parted to go back home or our temporary home, it tore my heart in two. Not only that but to leave Mother! I didn't want to leave anyone, but I knew my mission, what I had to do, my purpose! I knew I would see my overseas brothers and sisters again. Back home in heaven, together again all of us!

Thank You, Father and Mother, for opening my spiritual eyes to know and understand Your love and sacrifice, and for allowing me to overcome obstacles in this life, so I can learn and endure. I'm so honored to walk in the path that You have set out for me!

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