2010년 5월 8일 토요일

All Blessings Come From Mother - Church of God - Ahnsahnghong

All Blessings Come From Mother

First and foremost, I give all glory, all honor, all praise, and all thanks to our Almighty Elohim God who allowed me to visit Korea for the second time. Our merciful Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had pity on me, and gave me another opportunity to receive water of life directly from the source. Again I give You thanks! To visit Korea is an absolute privilege and tremendous blessing. I had been eagerly waiting to go back to Korea. Finally after 18 long months, Father and Mother allowed me to return to the holy land where Heavenly Mother dwells.

As soon as I saw my Korean brothers and sisters who were waiting for us at the airport, I felt Mother’s love. Mother’s love was radiating off all the brothers and sisters. Mother was earnestly waiting for all Her children to arrive at the Jerusalem Temple. As we took our buses to go see our precious Heavenly Mother, I longed for Mother’s embrace. I anticipated the wondrous blessings that were to come. I thought to myself that I had to make this second trip totally different from my first trip. On my first trip I did not fully fathom Mother’s love. I did not realize that Mother is the source of all blessings. So for this second trip, I had to make my every effort to receive all the blessings that come from Heavenly Mother. Mother blesses us with Her love, eternal life, realization, Holy Spirit, ability to preach, and algok yul-mae (good fruit)!

Finally we arrived at the Jerusalem Temple. Getting off the bus, I saw Heavenly Mother waiting for us with open arms. As we all waited patiently to see Heavenly Mother, we all began to weep so intensely. Mother hid her pain of 6,000 years of separation from Her heavenly children with a warm smile. Finally my turn had come to hug Mother. I wanted to immediately express my infinite love and upmost gratitude to my living God, but I could not get the words out. Mother knew I wanted to say something, so She looked at me and waited for me to speak. Finally I said something in Han-Kook (Korean), “Mother I love You sincerely,” “Thank You for allowing me to visit Korea,” and, “Please forgive my sins.” Mother held me to Her. Then Mother thanked me for coming to see Her. My heart broke in pain in the thought that God was thanking me, the most grievous sinner. Because of my transgressions, God left Her glorious throne in heaven to come down to this lowly earth and to spend a sacrificial life of persecutions and sufferings. I knew at that point that I had to change, so that I could never hurt my Most High God again.

Throughout our entire trip, Heavenly Mother never stopped giving us Her love and the water of life. During one dinner, Mother gave us the water of life for almost one hour. What a true blessing! I remember how much Mother stressed Father’s coming. Mother said Father was right around the corner. Mother desperately wanted us to wake up from our spiritual sleep and prepare ourselves to meet Father without any lack. She also explained to us how glorious heaven would be. As it is written in 1 Cor 2:9, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.” Mother really wants us to have hope for heaven. Mother said our citizenship is in heaven, so we have to detach ourselves from this world. Mother said if we want to enter Heaven, we have to change ourselves by getting rid of all our arrogance and sinful nature. We have to sacrifice ourselves for brothers and sisters and give in to them. We have to stop judging our brothers and sisters with hurtful words, but instead pray for them. Having hope for heaven, we have to be joyful always, giving thanks in all circumstances. We have to preach harder and find all of our lost heavenly family members.

I will never forget hearing Father’s voice delivering the water of life. In His sermon, Father gave so many praises to Apostle Paul. Apostle Paul considered his life worth nothing, always wanting to complete the tasks that God had given to him. He did everything to please God, not men. He diligently preached the gospel, even to the point of death. He endured all persecutions and sufferings, having the greatest hope for heaven. I truly understood Mother’s will in allowing brothers and sisters to hear Father’s sermon. Mother wants us to be like Apostle Paul in every way. We have to sacrifice our entire lives for Father and Mother. Then we can be true gospel workers like Apostle Paul.

Thanks to Father and Mother, I came to realize so much during my 14-day stay. I realized that we are truly but a drop in a bucket. This earth is a speck of dust compared to the awesome, greater stars and planets that are in our galaxies. We are nothing but a little dot in the universe. Father and Mother left Their heavenly glory and came to this pathetic world to save us. How great and boundless is Elohim’s Love! Among all the realizations I was able to acquire through Mother’s blessing, the most essential one for me was the fact that I had done nothing for the gospel. I was too comfortable with the blessings I had in Zion, that I never realized how much more I could have done for the gospel and how much more glory I could have given to Elohim. I asked myself, ‘How many good fruits did I bear?’ 30? 20? Not even 10. ‘How many house churches did I establish?’ Zero. ‘How obedient was I to Mother’s will?’ Very little. I felt so ashamed to have been called by God to do the gospel work in the San Francisco Zion. How could I stand before God with nothing to show for myself?

I sincerely give all thanks to Father and Mother for allowing me to realize my lack of ability for the gospel work. I now know that I need to do so much more for Father and Mother. Actually Father and Mother are making it so easy for us to receive more blessings. Really we have no excuses to do the gospel work and achieve great results. Father and Mother have given us the Staff of Moses in this age. We can preach by using the Church promo videos or by using our Elohim Academy preaching binders. We can even give out CDs of the New Songs Radio broadcasts. Really if we believe in Mother’s blessings and power, we can do great things and receive a greater reward in heaven.

Mother is the source of blessings in this age. I will truly work hard for the gospel, so that all nations can give praise to our Heavenly Mother as prophesied. I will sleep little as Father did. I will love my brothers and sisters and give in to them as Mother has taught us. Truly I will pay back all of Elohim’s extreme sacrifice and love. I want to go to heaven as soon as possible. I give eternal thanks to our true Shepherds in this age, the Spirit and the Bride, Christ Ahnsahnghong and the New Jerusalem Heavenly Mother. Abuhjee, Eomeoni, sarang-hapnida (Father and Mother, I love You)!

The world mission society church of God believes in God the Father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!

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