2010년 2월 27일 토요일

Christ Ahnsahnghong; 2nd Coming Christ who brought Salvation -Ahnsahnghong

Christ Ahnsahnghong; 2nd Coming Christ who brought Salvation

In the Bible, Christ himself testified to his second coming, of this there can be no debate. However, understanding this correctly is an issue of great importance.

Apostle Paul testified as follows: Heb 9:27 ” Just as man is destined to die once, and after that face judgement, so christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

Then according to the bible Christ is going to appear a second time. But if Christ is going to appear a second time that means we can see him; also for a second time applies there also is a first time. Then lets consider these two points.

When Christ appeared 2000 years ago, how did he appear? We all know it was in the Flesh. Then since the first coming of Christ was in the flesh the people of that time could obviously see him. First coming of Christ appeared in the flesh, BUT the bible testifies he will appear a second time. Then if first coming of Christ appeared a first time in the flesh, how should the second coming of Christ appear to the people. The obvious answer is in the flesh, hence he will appear a second time, meaning it should be the same as the first.

But in Hebrews 9:28 it also mentions that when he comes for a second time in the flesh it will not be to bear sin. The purpose of his second coming is to bring salvation to the people, i.e. to the world.

Then what is salvation? In the eyes of God is salvation a million dollars, being famous, worldly wealth or pleasure of any kind. It is common sense to undertsand that in the eyes of God these things are useless. The salvation that Christ gives is eternal life. This is what is important to God, this is explained in the book of John, Jn 10:10 “…I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” Christ’s purpose is to give life to the full, then is there room for death with full life. No, then if there is no death, there is only eternal life.

But the way Christ gave us to have eternal life (and which was explained in the blog before this one dated 1/21 ) was through his flesh and blood, (Jn 6:53) and there is only one way Christ gave us his flesh and blood to eat (also explained in the blog before this one) it is through the new covenant Passover. However as was mentioned earlier Passover was abolished in 325 a.d. after its abolition it was no longer practiced in the world, it was completely lost. But the Passover celebration was the only way Christ gave us his body and blood. Then upon it’s abolishment, was there salvation in this world?

The purpose in Christ coming a second time is to bring salvation. Then can salvation exist before 2nd coming Christ comes. If it were here already then Christ 2nd coming serves no purpose, does God’s almighty plan serve no purpose, certainly not.

Then 2nd coming Christ has to bring salvation because salvation is not in the world. But when 1st coming of Christ came he gave us Eternal life through the new covenant Passover. Then salvation was given through the Passover, but the Passover was abolished, taken away from the world. Then when 2nd coming Christ comes it is the Passover feast that he must bring with him, which is eternal life, which is salvation.

Then 2nd coming Christ is going to bring with him New Covenant Passover, But Christ Ahnsahnghong brought with him the New Covenant Passover and restored it. Then who is Christ Ahnsahnghong, he is true 2nd Coming Christ who has come to this world for the salvation of the children who were destined to be saved from the last plagues.

Thank you Heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong who came to this world as prophesied and brought salvation before the last day comes. There are not words that can express the gratitude that we should feel, and there will never be enough thanks for the fathomless love you show to the children. Thank you Heavenly Father, Eternally!


Church of God believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!

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