2009년 1월 7일 수요일

Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother


Children Who Resemble Heavenly Parents
New York
Heavenly Mother, You are more precious than the entire universe and anything in it. Your beauty, majesty and grace fill the whole universe.
When I started on my journey, I was amazed just to think that I would be so close to see You. When I got out of the airport, I was so excited because I would be able to see the Christ. And the reason that I went was for eternal life. Actually I thought the trip would be longer, but it felt so short, and no wonder, why? When we arrived at the airport, a missionary said, “Mother is waiting for you!” So I thought She made this trip feel so short, so that we would be with Her faster. Thank You, God! It was 2a.m. and Mother was still waiting for us. She looked so radiant. When I saw Her, I ran up the steps with tears in my eyes. Then She said, “Lubiana, come!” and some kind of power filled me up, that I could not stop smiling. Then I thought the Apostle John fell short when he described Mother in the book of Revelation. There are no words to describe Her. She is too much for this world, and this world can not contain Her. Our minds are too little to comprehend Her and our under-standing can not grasp Her. She is life and beauty for evermore.
I was amazed to have the opportunity to be with God Almighty in this world. The next day Mother appeared outside at breakfast time. We were eating at the table and the missionaries told us to come out. Even though I heard what they said, I was in shock to the point that I could not move even after they left me. I had to think, “God, please help me to move, so I can go outside and meet Mother to fulfill the verses written in the book of Proverbs, ‘Then I was a craftsman at Her side, I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in God’s presence.’ ”
It is just indescribable. The feeling you get when you see Mother?it is just unforgettable. On my way back home, I could not stop crying, thinking that I had to be away from Her presence once again. But my mind is not God’s mind.
It’s been great! I have been able to preach the gospel thanks to Father and Mother, and when I testify about Father and Mother, the Christ of this age, I feel so close to Them and I feel Their love for us. It’s so amazing. My heart beats faster and the power of the Holy Spirit overflows. The only thing that makes me happy in this world is to preach the gospel. All I want is to have God’s mind and love for us sinners, so when I meet people I can tell them there is a way to get out of this jail and that there is a way to be free again and go back to our homeland where our true life and family is. I still have many things to overcome. Only with the power of the new covenant, we can overcome all things; only by following the example of the sacrifice of Father and Mother, we can be the grains that Mother wants us to be and produce much fruit. One thing about the trip was that Mother gave us fruit every day. There is nothing more important than bearing good fruit to please our heavenly Mother. What I keep more in my heart from the trip to Korea is that God Almighty, omniscient and omnipotent, said, “I bless everyone to bear good fruit.” If God has said that, it will be done. That means we have to build the temple of God to put all our fruits in it and have a big smile because we have the most beautiful possession of the entire universe, our heavenly Mother.
Thank You, God Almighty our heavenly Mother, the new Jerusalem!

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