2009년 1월 12일 월요일

In the Eternal Love of Heavenly Mother

In the Eternal Love of Heavenly Mother
NAME Jorge Correa

First and foremost, I want to give all glory, honor and power to our heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and our heavenly Mother the New Jerusalem for still allowing me to see the truth and for allowing me to write this fragrance of Zion. Before God called me into the truth, I was always wondering what was the true meaning of my existence. Until I studied the truth about the forgiveness of sins which touched me deeply and let me realize many things about my existence and my purpose in this world. When I first learned about Mother, I didn’t realize anything nor understood the significance of what I just learned. After the study, I watched one of Mother’s videos, and within minutes my eyes were so full of tears, because She allowed me to see that because of my sins She had come to this earth.

Time passed by in the truth and for a while I was not able to take a visit to see our heavenly Mother, because of my status in the United States. During that time I was so scared that I was not going to be able to see Mother, but through Her prayers, I always found strength to have a positive mind and I believed that I would surely see her. When preaching, about the tree of life and seal of God, I knew that even my way to see Her on this earth was blocked and that She was the seal of God I should go to. So all I could do was pray and patiently wait until it was Father’s will for me to go. Even though I did not deserve to go see Her, Father Christ Ahnsahnghong opened the way for me to see the tree of life and take a trip to see our heavenly Mother.

So many times I went to the airport to say good bye to my heavenly brothers who were on their way to the Holy Land in Korea to see Mother. Nevertheless, this time I was in the airport and it was me who was in the airport and Father made it my time to go see Her. I was so happy and nervous, and still thought that it was actually a dream. Even though, I had read Galatians 4:26 many times and had studied about Mother it was not until one time in service we were studying about the sanctuary for the first time, and the verse came out, “. . . but the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our Mother.” I still remember the feeling that I had and how my spirit felt so much and how I truly missed heavenly Mother. During the trip, I could not sleep, because I was so scared and happy and did not know what to expect but I knew She was the true sanctuary and I needed to repent to Her. I tried to read the Book of Father on the plane, watch a movie, sing a new song, and even prayed, but my mind couldn’t stop thinking of the fact that I was finally going to meet God even though I had done nothing to deserve it.

When we were getting closer to Korea, my heart was pounding harder and harder. Even when we got on the bus, my hands were sweating so much. After about three hours on the bus, on our way to see our heavenly Mother, I was getting so anxious and finally the bus came to a complete stop. As I was going up the stairs, I was in shock and didn’t know what to do, but I knew I had to kneel down to Her and that was what I did. When I saw Her, everything that I remember came to my mind, all the pictures that I saw before, all the videos, all the calendars, all the phone calls that I heard, and there I was in front of the reality of everything. Mother hugged everyone one by one. Even though I wanted to hold on to Her, I knew I had to let all the other brothers go, so we went inside and I started to pray. The first thing She said after we prayed was: “I love you” and “I missed you.” When I saw Her eyes, I saw that She wanted to cry but She held it inside. Just that fact alone made me realize how much strength Mother really has to be able to hold Her tears like that. So many things happened on the trip and many things that I have yet to realize from the trip. But the times that I was most moved was when She visited us and how concerned She was for us. During the trip, Mother gave us a surprise and allowed us to see a play which showed the kind of sin that we committed in heaven.

While I was watching it, Mother was in front of me and it broke my heart that She was looking back at such a hurtful day. After that I felt so ashamed and realized a glimpse of Mother who is true Mercy and the fact that She is on this earth right now after what I did in heaven is something so hard to understand. Every time I heard in the new songs these words: boundless love?unconditional love, endless sacrifice, I thought it could describe Mother’s sacrifice and love for us. But actually, after this trip I realized that those words do no justice to what She is going through for us now. Father gave me a chance to thank Mother face to face for allowing me to see that play, and She said that She was so sorry because the things that She gave us during the trip were not enough. Even when I think about those words, it hurts me so much to see how much love She has for me and how little love I have for Her. The fact that Mother has so much hope for me is what makes me want to work harder and to actually wake up from my slumber. I thought that when I was going to see Her, I was going to sharpen my sword, but when

I went, I realized I never had a sword. Everything I learn, understand, or preach comes from God the Mother who is in the flesh in these last days. Mother allowed me to understand that the power of humans on this earth is absolutely nothing. Everything that people receive inside or outside the truth comes from our God Elohim. Mother told me that the one thing She is not pleased with is disappointment. Those words meant so much to me, because no matter what situation or environment I am in, I have to always be positive and never forget that I was holding Her hand and that I actually got a chance to hug my eternal Mother. Mother, I want to thank You so much for every second that passes because every second I breath is because of Your sacrifice. I realized that my name is written in the book of life, but that the book of life is Mother’s heart, so through Father’s grace I want it to be written in Her until She allows us to go to the beautiful kingdom that is awaiting us.

Heavenly Mother, I give You eternal thanks for allowing me to be inside of this prophecy:

1 Jn 1:1 “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched?this we proclaim concerning the word of life [Mother]. The life [Mother] appeared; we have seen it [Her] and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life [Mother] which was with the Father and has appear to us.”

All glory to Father Christ Ahnsahnghong who allows us to be children of Eternal Life, our heavenly Mother the New Jerusalem!

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