2009년 1월 4일 일요일

What a Wonderful Life - Ahnsahnghong

All thanks, honor, and love, gratitude and respect to Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother Jerusalem for appearing in this world while I live and showing me the way to become a child of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is truely a remarkable gift. I wish to share this gift with the people I love and my neighbors as well so that they too may know the glorious love of God. When I share this great love with people I always hope that they do not see it only physically, but rather spiritually. Jesus Christ said the flesh counts for nothing, but it is the spirit that matters most (John 6:63. God is spirit, not outer physical appearance. Jesus Christ said he would appear a second time. What a great chance! What an anwesome experience to have! But He has to appear to us, we should not expect to see Him the way we want. Once a family separated for a long time, not seeing each other for many years. One day the youngest brother was able to contact his older sister by mail, expressing his desire to meet her since he hadn't seen her in over forty years. She happily accepted and waited for him at the appointed time and place. In his letter he said that he would be wearing a red ball cap and green sweater so that she may recongnize him among many people. How do you think she felt when she saw an approaching gentleman wearing a red hat and green sweater? How happy and thankful she was!! She was not disappointed or confused as to why her brother looked different. No, she was happy to see the one whom she dearly loved and missed. Like this story, it is the same with Christ. We have waited a long time to see our spiritual Father, and He has given us a sign that we may recognize Him: Passover of the New Covenant. Christ Ahnsahnghong showed us this sign which Jesus can only give us. He is the second coming Christ. But, like the sister, we cannot be confused as to why Jesus looks different at His second coming. How do we know, we have never seen first coming Christ? All we know is that Jesus is suppose to give us hidden manna (Passover)and a new name (ref. Rev 2:17). Christ Ahnsahnghong gave us these precious things which is why we rejoice at seeing Him again. Please, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. God Bless You!!!

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